Social Movements



Seeds: Straw Free NYC

On June 21st, 2018, with Intro No 936, New York City officially joins the movement in an attempt to ban single-use plastic straws, spearheaded by Council Member Espinal with the support of a coalition of business leaders, activists, and environmental organizations. Given public discussion in Taiwan regarding an upcoming ban on plastic straws, we might take a look at this in comparison...

Debate About Two-Stroke Scooters, Plastic Straws Point To Challenges Facing Environmental Legislation

Demonstrations by two-stroke scooters owners as well as recent controversy regarding plastic straws illustrate some of the difficulties facing efforts to introduce environmental legislation in Taiwan. As with elsewhere in the world, efforts at environmental legislation will meet resistance when they infringe upon long-held social habits...

After Huashan Murder, Attempts To Scapegoat Creatives On PTT And In Taiwanese Media

The conservatism of Taiwanese social morality can be observed in reactions to a recent murder case that occurred in the 120 Grassroots Self-Autonomous Zone, involving the dismemberment of a 30-year-old woman surnamed Gao by a 37-year-old archery teacher surnamed Chen. What is visible through such reactions are attempts to displace blame onto a small group of young people while avoiding addressing deep-rooted problems of toxic masculinity in Taiwanese society. Much reactions have been centered on the Internet, particularly through PTT, including doxxing, harassment, and the posting online of personal information of Grassroots organizers by way of the "human flesh search engine"...


近日於120草原自治區,一名三十歲的高姓女子,被一名37歲的陳姓射箭老師殺害分屍。從大眾反應中,可明顯看出台灣的保守社會道德,企圖將責難推給一小撮年輕人,同時避免解決台灣社會傳統沙文主義(toxic masculinity)根深蒂固的問題。許多社會反應來自網路,尤其是PTT,包括鄉民進行人肉搜索。...