Social Movements

Detention of Well-Known Chinese Labor Activist Points to a Larger Pattern

The detention of young Chinese labor activist Chen Wei-xiang proves the latest incident of the detention of social activists by the Chinese government. Chen's detention points to a larger pattern, not only regarding actions by the Chinese government against labor activists, but against activists that run news platforms aimed at spreading information about protests or political dissent...

Shopping Mall Protests and Memorials for the Fallen Take Place Over the Weekend in Hong Kong

Police violence against protestors again took place in Hong Kong yesterday. Police violence yesterday took place after protest activities in shopping malls, billed as a form of Christmas shopping, and memorial activities for Marco Leung, who is viewed as the first protestor to die connected to the movement...

從「蝻亞」到「東南亞巴打」: 香港的示威行動如何將大眾與少數族群連結在一起
