
Tsai Ing-Wen and the Long Shadow of Chen Shui-Bian

Even if it may be that Tsai’s victory in the present seems all but inevitable, Tsai faces certain uphill challenges once president. Such challenges ultimately stem from international perceptions of the first DPP presidency under Chen Shui-Bian. The DPP is still seen as a dangerous troublemaker that threatens to disrupt cross-strait relations on the basis of its ideological pro-independence fanaticism on the basis of Chen Shui-Bian’s presidency...


奧列斯提斯‧多羅斯(Orestis Doulos)以公開馬克思主義政策當選的現任雅典市新費城區區議員,並於 2009 年與其他希臘同志加入了後來成為主導基左盟的「左翼聯盟」。在基左盟興起的路途中,共產主義趨勢在黨內不斷的要求與資本主義斷絕關係來解決希臘的經濟危機,並成功的在基左盟中央委員會以選票的方式取得兩席。當齊普拉斯的背叛成為事實時,「共產主義趨勢」脫離了基左盟,並與其他政團成立了人民團結黨,並持續試圖將黨推向於馬克思主義政策。...