
There Will Be Blood: Taiwan’s Rancorous Discourse On Capital Punishment

The ghastly random killing of a four-year-old girl in Neihu, Taipei on Monday has garnered widespread attention, nationally and internationally. What has almost simultaneously been triggered is a reinvigoration of the debate over the abolition of capital punishment in Taiwan. However, it is to be noted that this is hardly a real exchange of ideas, even by the standard of the Wild West that is the Internet, but more like a campaign of persecution against social activists who advocate the abolition of death penalty....


2016大選的戲劇性結果,或真讓台灣社會誤以為「國民黨倒了」、「台灣已是獨立的民主國家了」,若從國際上對「台灣」是否為獨立國家的態度進行檢視,結果肯定又是冷水一頭。台灣的多數住民都樂於支持「我們」能進一步成為主權獨立的國家───問題是「我們」是誰?Republic of China?Chinese Taipei?「我們」的本名不是Taiwan嗎?...

