There are those in Taiwan who have hailed Brexit as a positive, seeing false equivalency between Brexit and achieving a referendum on Taiwanese independence from China. But this is to fail to understand that Brexit indicates a rightward political shift, not only in European, but global politics...
The fall of former KMT spokesman Yang Wei-chung would be another nail in the coffin for a KMT unable to reform, with his recent expulsion from the party...
The reappearance of abducted Hong Kong bookseller Lam Wing-kee and revelations of forced confessions of wrongdoing extracted from him by the Chinese government have rocked Hong Kong in recent days...
The Ko administration continues to be embattled regarding the longstanding Taipei Dome debacle, the latest chapter of which would be accusations of Ko asking city councillors to resign if they refused to submit to a polygraph test...
Controversy has erupted after an upcoming planned trip by Ma Ying-Jeou to Hong Kong was cancelled when the Presidential Office refused to grant Ma approval to leave the country...