Arts and Culture

Review: Henri Cartier-Bresson: China

“A career with five great photographs would be pretty good...” said Richard Avedon, “...[Henri Cartier-Bresson has] hundreds of them!”. This emphatic statement is not an exaggeration, as Cartier-Bresson is easily one of the greatest photographers of his generation, and one of the great artists of the twentieth century. It is quite a privilege to walk through the galleries of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum and be in the presence of the great master’s work....


《阿紫》是一部以觀察和訪談為基礎的紀錄片,是以 verite 傳統原則為方式來製作。這部電影的主要角色是越南新娘阿紫和她的丈夫阿龍。電影對人物的刻畫是直接、誠實的,除了有時會分散注意力的音樂以外,幾乎沒有點綴。而這對夫婦所牽涉的,卻是非常重要的主題,觀眾欣賞此片時,不得不面對這些可能不是很舒服的議題。...