The Search for General Tso is the latest food documentary to use food as a symbol through which to explore a culture at once familiar and exoticized...
If the artwork of Hwang Buh-Ching can be said to be concerned with the artistic representation of “homeland,” as his current exhibition “Homeland: Edge of Desolation” at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei suggests in representing Taiwan, Hwang points to both falsity and authenticity...
The specter of Taiwanese politics is everywhere in the artwork of Dean I-Mei. While, certainly, the artist himself poses his recent exhibition in light of a search for personal identity in the title “Wanted Dean I-Mei,” his search for individual identity is one deeply bound up with Taiwan’s state of unbelonging in the world...
Meeting Dr. Sun tells of a group of poor Taiwanese high school students’elaborate plot to steal an unused Sun Yat-Sen (孫中山) statue from their high school and sell it for scrap metal...
"Grey Area" is a song I suddenly thought up one day. While daydreaming, I suddenly had the awareness I was feeling authentic feelings in an inauthentic world. And that living in everyday reality, we have to do many inauthentic things. Between the two, I felt I was in a "grey area"...
"Can't Quit You" is an autobiographical short film about Zico, a hair stylist based in Hsinchu, Taiwan. It's the story of his first love, a relationship with a man called Yin that blossomed when Zico began his career as a hairstyling assistant in Hsinchu...
This photo series shows the lead singer of the Taiwanese band Fire EX (滅火器), Sam Yang (楊大正), when he visited to the Legislative Yuan chamber to support the students and teach them how to sing one of his songs...