Ma Ying-Jeou slates to receive Eisenhower Medallion from the People to People International (PTPI) NGO for his efforts to maintain stability in the East Asian region via his East China Sea Peace Initiative...
Artist Florentijn Hofman, most known for his Rubber Duck installation which was displayed in Keelung Harbor last year to much tourist attraction, has constructed a 25 meter rabbit as part of the Taoyuan Landscape Art Festival. Hofman stated that the rabbit was inspired by the legend of Chang’e, the Chinese goddess of the moon, and the Jade Rabbit which is said to live with her on the moon. The sculpture has seen several hundred thousand views per day alone, though the Art Festival is slated to run until the 14th....
Last Sunday, while on their two-week tour of the United States, prominent Sunflower Movement student leaders Lin Fei-fan and Chen Wei-ting expressed their support for the democracy movement in Hong Kong’s Occupy Central. Even the Ma administration has, to date, expressed at least “regret,” for China’s refusal to permit democratic elections in Hong Kong, although that it only expressed “regret” has also come under fire. By contrast, the Chinese government in Beijing has stated that Taiwan and, for that matter, the United States, should keep out of Hong Kong’s affairs....
Occupy Central’s Benny Tai declares that Occupy Central has “failed” in regards to that Beijing did not back down in the face of popular protest. Tai stated that in the face of “political reality” and the “pragmatism” of Hong Kong people, whereas he was previously confident that Occupy Central could bring out a mobilization of 10,000, he now says that is a “maybe.” Namely, occupying Hong Kong’s Central business district runs the risk too high of permanently damaging Hong Kong’s economy....