2022 Elections

Miaoli Debate Characterized by Partisan Divides

The Miaoli county magistrate debate was held on November 18th, consisting of three rounds. The first round consisted of an opening statement, and the second round consisted of cross-examination between candidates. Though there were five participants in the debate, the following article will focus on the three frontrunners in the race, these being the KMT’s candidate, Hsieh Fu-hung, the DPP candidate, Hsu Ting-chen, and independent candidate Chung Tung-chin...

Pan-Blue Camp Continues to Face Corruption Charges

The KMT continues to be dogged by allegations of corruption in the upcoming midterm elections. While this is nothing new for a party that was referred to as “black gold” during authoritarian times because of links between KMT members, organized crime, and political corruption, what proves of note is to what extent the pan-Green camp has focused political attacks on the KMT over the issue of corruption with a little over a month before the elections are to take place...

What Will the Effect of US Midterm Elections Be on Taiwan?

The US midterm elections took place on Tuesday. Votes are still being counted several days later. Projections have Republicans winning the House, but possibly the Democrats holding the Senate. At press time, 46 Senate seats have been called for Democrats, while 48 seats have been called for Republicans. Likewise, 184 seats in the House of Representatives have been called for Democrats, while 207 have been called for Republicans...