Yuan-Chih Lung

The Death of Tuan Tuan and The Puppeteering of a Giant Panda

Tuan Tuan, a giant panda at the Taipei Zoo, underwent euthanasia on November 19th after numerous epileptic seizures. Since the news broke that Tuan Tuan was sick with a brain tumor in September, his condition deteriorated, and experts from China also came to Taiwan for this reason. Chao Shian-Shao, the Taipei Zoo’s spokesperson, indicated that the zoo is committed to retaining Tuan Tuan’s living cells, such as sperm cells, somatic cells, and stem cells...
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Yuan-Chih Lung

Yuan-Chih Lung has an MA in Film Studies from Peking University and a Ph. D in Philosophy of Science and Technology from Tsinghua University. She is the director of the Taiwan Human-Animal Studies Institution, and a Culture & Animals Foundation grantee in 2019.