Patrick Huang

Interview: Kawtorpai Church

He is a fresh-faced young man with curly hair. If I had not known that he was a pastor, I would have thought he was a highly energetic office worker who works in a high-rise in the central business district of Bangkok. He is, in fact, pastor Prachan Noimung, a man of the Karen ethnic group from Maehongsorn Province who now serves as head of the Kawtorpai. This can be translated as the Move Forward Church...
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Patrick Huang

Patrick Huang is a born-and-bred Thai writer who hails from Bangkok. His childhood luxuriated in naiveté; little was he aware that his fellow human beings had been lobotomized in the dungeon of class system and injustice.

Sometime in his mid-twenties while at a cafe sipping a coffee, he caught a glimpse of a booklet whose cover read: Prisoner of Conscience. He went through it and it was a turning-point. Bespectacled Huang replaced the then rose-tinted glasses with true-to-life ones,
He started to write. Write for liberation. Martin Luther King had a dream, as does Patrick Huang. His dream is simple. His dream is ‘create the world as a single family’.