Enbion Micah Aan


美國豬、牛肉進口爭議在台灣媒體已經搶佔版面許多天。國民黨、民進黨兩黨立場對換可以讓我們難得看到這麼清楚的政治虛偽。2008 年,民進黨內重要的政治人物們,包括現在的蔡英文總統,發起大型抗議活動就為了反對進口美國豬、牛肉。2020 年,民進黨執政,卻積極要合法化美國紅肉進口。馬英九總統在 2008 年是一位非常激烈的美國豬、牛肉進口擁護者,可是 2020 年,卻要求蔡總統道歉並推遲進口程序。...


籽是一個藉由凸顯個人努力來發掘與推廣正義事業的攝影專欄。這些人是正義與抗爭的種子, 也是社會運動與社會改變的種子。上週末在紐約市有 700 多人為了支持香港反送中而上街遊行。這幾個禮拜的香港社會運動含括很多訴求,不過最重要的還是針對香港民主與警察暴力。...

Seeds: New York Stands with Hong Kong, Power to the People Rally

More than 700 New Yorkers showed up at the New York City rally in support of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protests last weekend. The protest is simultaneously about many things: yet the democratic future of Hong Kong and police brutality are the two major issues at the heart of the events that have unfolded over the past few weeks...



Seeds: Straw Free NYC

On June 21st, 2018, with Intro No 936, New York City officially joins the movement in an attempt to ban single-use plastic straws, spearheaded by Council Member Espinal with the support of a coalition of business leaders, activists, and environmental organizations. Given public discussion in Taiwan regarding an upcoming ban on plastic straws, we might take a look at this in comparison...
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Enbion Micah Aan

Enbion Micah Aan is a documentary photographer based in Brooklyn, New York.
