August 2014


距離 2014 年底大選約莫還有三個月的時間,但自今年初起,選舉新聞已經大舉佔領各類媒體。雖然年底舉辦的大選包含六都直轄市市長、其他縣市長及議員等,但媒體矚目且曝光度最高的仍是台北市與新北市首長的爭奪戰。新北市的候選人仍是依循傳統藍綠分庭抗禮,就選戰本質來說並無太大新意,而台北市長選情及候選人相較之下則讓人想要看看「究竟這些人要怎麼玩下去」。


Review: Wanted: Dean I-Mei: A Retrospective

img_20140717_142030The specter of Taiwanese politics is everywhere in the artwork of Dean I-Mei.  While, certainly, the artist himself poses his recent exhibition in light of a search for personal identity in the title “Wanted Dean I-Mei,” his search for individual identity is one deeply bound up with Taiwan’s state of unbelonging in the world.

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From Out of KMT Party Education, Towards the Path of Justice

I was once a supporter of the KMT. When I was young I worshipped President Chiang Kai-shek’s heroic deeds in the war against Japan, appreciated his opposition to Communism, and was grateful for him founding Taiwan.

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Photo credit-7:14 近代民主的開始我曾是一位國民黨死忠支持者,我小時候曾經崇拜 蔣中正總統反共抗日的英勇事蹟、欣賞他為正義反共、感謝他建設臺灣等事蹟。當時我認為白色恐怖受害者都是群不聽政府的反社會人格者,政府是在教育他們好好做人才逮捕他們,唯有跟隨政府反共才能帶來最後的幸福。



Palestinians school girls walk on the rubble of a building destroyed during earlier Israeli bombardment, as they make their way to their nearby school in Gaza City隨著迦薩戰火持續延燒,我們這些在台灣關心世局的人,也開始用心發掘時事與現狀的連結,以及從中可能獲得的教益。因為兩地的處境儘管不盡相同,卻具備同一個確切無疑的脈絡:台灣人和巴勒斯坦人都缺少一個在國際上受到承認的國家。


Interview: J. Michael Cole, Part II

This is the second installment of the two-part interview with J. Michael Cole conducted by Brian Hioe regarding his editorship of Thinking Taiwan, the relation of journalism and activism, and his recently released book, Officially Unofficial: Confessions of a journalist in Taiwan.

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Imperialist Violence

With conflict raging in Gaza, many of us concerned with Taiwan have grasped around the back of our minds for a connection and possible lesson. For while the situation on the ground share little resemblance, both contexts share one indisputable quality: both the Taiwanese and Palestinians lack an internationally recognized state.

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Interview: J. Michael Cole, Part I

The first installment of the two-part interview with J. Michael Cole conducted by Brian Hioe regarding the nature of journalism, his own career path as one of the prominent voices in English-language journalism about Taiwan, and the contemporary state of journalism in Taiwan.

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