Given the recent inauguration of Tsai Ing-Wen, the theme for the next issue of New Bloom will be “New Government.” We will look at the prospects of the new government through different lenses, such as gender/sexuality, labor, indigenous rights, the environment, diplomatic relations, and others.

If you would be interested in writing about or submitting an article concerning any of these topics, please take a look at our submission policy, and e-mail us at [email protected]

呼應蔡英文總統的就職,破土最新一期的主題為「新政府」,我們將會以不同的角度分析新政府的政策,包括性別、勞工、原民、環境、外交等等。如果你對上述的議題有興趣,非常歡迎將您的想法投稿給破土,請參酌網頁上的投稿須知,並將文章寄到[email protected]


Photo Credit: Presidential Residence
Logo Design: Min Min

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