New Bloom’s July issue is up on our website! Each month, New Bloom features several topics of consideration and solicits articles accordingly. July’s topics are:
- Legalizing Gay Marriage in Taiwan In Wake of the SCOTUS Decision
- Referendum Reform in Taiwan and Across the World
- The State and the Environmental Movement in Asia
- 美國同志婚姻合法化後對台灣同志運動的影響
- 台灣與世界的公投法補正議題
- 亞洲的環保運動
If you would be interested in writing about or submitting an article concerning any of these topics, please take a look at our submission policy, and e-mail us at [email protected]
如果你對任何議題有興趣想要投稿,歡迎查閱我們的投稿辦法,並將文章寄到 [email protected]
Photo Credit: Ted Eytan/Flickr
Calligraphy: 陳令洋