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Recently, 柯文哲 the candidate for mayor of Taipei city stirred major controversy when he criticized KMT candidate for the Chiayi city 陳以真 on deplorable gender grounds. “She’s young and pretty, she should be a receptionist”, said 柯文哲. Also, he mentioned that gynecologists make a living in the middle of the legs of women. Many criticized 柯文哲 as male chauvinist. Later 柯文哲 also made a statement for apology.

Putting aside 柯文哲’s speech, there’s one thing that needs to be reflected upon more deeply. Such joke like the gynecologists has been pervasive in the medical field for a long time, and reveal a lack of gender-sensitivity in the field. Long held unbalanced gender ratio and paternalism has led to frequent sexual harassment of women doctors or nurses. In general, the medical education does not grapple with gender equality. Besides 柯文哲’s words, we also need to reflect on the systematic gender inequality in the medical field.

Photo credit: 東森新聞

Tyng 是台灣的醫學生,關注社會與醫師勞動議題。

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