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推薦閱讀:《拒絕被遺忘的聲音──RCA工殤口述史》,工作傷害受害人協會,原台灣美國無線公司員工關懷協會 著。

Formosa Plastics Group (FGP) over water source issue once again induced controversy. Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) demanded FGP to complete and try out its alternative water source including the reuse of the tailwater, rainwater recycling and desalination in order to relieve its heavy consumption of water in Yunlin area.However, FGP has only come up with a new project that aims to recycle water from Sinhuwei River and set up “Nanzih Work Station”. Moreover, this project has been protested against by residents in Yulin County’s Taisi Township for extraction of agricultural water.Therefore, EPA committee decided that FGP must complete alternative water source project, or FGP will violate the Environmental Impact Assessment Law.

FGP not only cause more severe land subsidence by groundwater overdraft but have arrogant attitude toward pollution compensation that almost makes it become the ” second RCA”. Because it is extremely hard to prove that pollution have direct correlation to cancer, FGP often evade compensation duty by claiming that cancer may be caused by unhealthy habits.Residents found no access to compensation, and their agricultural living has become the victim of industrail water use for further prosperity in Taiwanese industry.Maybe we should already start ponder on the fruit of advancement, which benefits most citizens while very few people suffer from the painful cost.This violate the technology ethics. Unless we share the fear of technology altogether, or it’s tough to understand the ethical contradiction between development and environment,community’s benefit and individual’s dignity. All of these distorted obligation and destined guilt are what society imposed on the residents of Yunlin.

Photo Credit :澳洲台基會全球聯盟 TCCMAU

聞遠志 是目前在台灣唸書的醫學生,關心偏鄉醫療等議題。

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