
Authoritarian Nostalgia Plays Role in Pan-Blue Nuclear Advocacy

Pan-blue media personality Jaw Shaw-kung, one of the leading figures of the “Fighting Blues” within the KMT, recently took a strong stance against the Tsai administration’s energy transition policy. Jaw criticized the Tsai administration as overly reliant on LNG terminals and instead called for the extension of Reactor No. 2 and Reactor No. 3’s operational lifetimes, as well as the restart of the controversial Lungmen Reactor No. 4. Jaw’s comments are worth examining for how this sheds light upon the pan-Blue camp’s framing of Taiwan’s current energy issues...

Facebook Post by Entertainer About Child Deaths Leads to Controversy About COVID Disinformation

There has been a political firestorm after entertainer Antony Kuo made a viral Facebook post suggesting that there have been more deaths of children from COVID-19 than have been reported by the Central Epidemic Command Center. After the post, a number of suspected content farms posted claims about alleged child deaths due to COVID-19, raising questions about the circulation of misinformation and disinformation versus free speech in Taiwan. Unsurprisingly, the issue became contested between the pan-Blue and pan-Green camps...