Hillary Clinton

What Do The WikiLeaks Revelations About Hillary Clinton’s Taiwan Comments Reveal?

The WikiLeaks e-mails in which Hillary Clinton expresses interest in the idea of abandoning Taiwan in exchange for economic concessions from China expresses a worldview she, in fact, shares with Donald Trump and other American politicians. Such politicians have only ever viewed Taiwan as a bargaining chip from the beginning...


美國民主黨總統大選候選人希拉蕊.柯林頓 24 號在臉書公佈了她最新的競選短片,以數個同志婚禮場景的影像,並以自己的聲音做旁白,表明自己對同志權益特別是對同志婚姻的支持。諷刺的是,希拉蕊在 2013 年之前都曾數次表達自己反同婚的立場,例如她在 2008 年角逐民主黨總統候選人時的理念,認為婚姻是屬於「一個男人和一個女人間的結合」。...