Free Taiwan Party

Attacks On Independence Activists Indicate Willingness To Use Violence By Pro-Unification Camp

Charges filed against youth activists from a pro-independence group for throwing red paint onto the sarcophagus of Chiang Kai-Shek in the Cihu Mausoleum, accusations of Internet censorship, attacks by pro-unfication activists on the longstanding occupation of the Free Taiwan Party outside the Legislative Yuan, and a physical attack by pro-unification activists on Tsay Ting-Kuei of the Free Taiwan Party have provoked outrage...

Four Referendum Campaigns Launched In The Two Months After Changes To Referendum Act

Amending the so-called “Birdcage Referendum Act” has long been a demand of Taiwanese activists. In particular, holding a nationwide referendum was seen as a way to settle long-standing domestic issues in Taiwanese politics, such as with regards to the usage of nuclear energy in Taiwan, as well as the fundamental issue of independence versus unification, which goes to the heart of Taiwan’s unique political situation in global politics. It may not be too surprising, then, that calls for referendum have now become an object of political contestation on a number of issues. At least four campaigns for referendum are now under way in Taiwan that have been launched in the two months since changes to the Referendum Act in December of last year...

The Authoritarian We Could Not Pull Down: A Strange Tale of Pro-Independence Youth

In January 2017, the Free Taiwan Party posted a Facebook status: “Pro-Independence takes a stand! Come pull down the Chiang Kai Shek statue on February 28th at the Freedom Plaza!” As a young supporter of Free Taiwan Party and a supporter of the action of pulling down authoritarian statues, I documented and witnessed the actions on site during this time...