civil partnerships in Taiwan

An Analysis of the Implications and Strategy of Taiwan’s Gay Marriage Bill Going Forward

Taiwan's Executive Yuan has proposed a draft for same-sex marriage legislation earlier this month. This draft proposes to legalize same-sex marriage, but under a different framework of law than the ones currently in effect for straight couples. The bill has currently passed its second reading, though splits have emerged between parties regarding whether to advance the current bill or amend the bill further...

Mobilizing Crisis, Material Inequality, and Ideological Splits

On November 24, five of the national referendum results show overwhelming opposition against the legalization of same-sex marriage and a gender equality education in grade school that would include LGBTQ issues. While there are many questions that remain to be answered through a more detailed analysis of the voting data, we are here writing as activists to reflect on the movement and offering some observations and directions on how we may want to move forward from here...

LGBTQ Groups Hold Rally As Start Of Campaign Against Anti-Marriage Equality Referendum

A demonstration was held by LGBTQ groups this morning to demonstrate the Central Election Commission passing a referendum pushed for by anti-gay groups. The referendum seeks to overturn a judicial ruling in favor of the legalization of marriage equality in Taiwan by the Council of Grand Justices last year. In particular, the demonstration serves as the start of what will necessarily be a longer campaign by LGBTQ groups...

Efforts By Tsai Ing-Wen To Wash Her Hands Of The Issue Of Gay Marriage?

Whatever the claims of the Tsai administration that it continues to concern itself with the issue of gay marriage, the Tsai administration has evidently changed tack, now attempting to play the role of “peacemaker” between pro-marriage equality and anti-marriage equality groups in Taiwan. This evidences hypocrisy on the part of Tsai, as well as demonstrates her attempt to wash her hands of past support for marriage equality...