Arts and Culture

Review: Motherland

"Motherland" directed by Ramona S. Diaz, would be an examination of the lives of pregnant women at Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital, the so-called “baby factory” of the Philippines. In this sense, the film is a look at the overpopulation crisis of the Philippines at the very human level of the conditions faced by the pregnant women living in conditions of poverty who give birth at the Fabella Memorial Hospital...

Review: Path Of Destiny (不得不上路)

Yang Chun-Kai's “Path of Destiny” would be a deft evocation of the challenges facing preservation of indigenous tradition in Taiwan. Namely, even in those rare cases in which young people actively aim to participate in traditions which may soon be lost, the trend may be irreversible. And given inescapable social tensions between modernity and tradition, adherence to tradition demands great personal sacrifice....

Continued Debates Over The Role Of Classical Chinese In Taiwan

The defeat of a recent push by language and literature scholars to reform the teaching of Chinese in Taiwan has had surprising implications. Namely, despite the defeat of a push by the Association for Taiwan Literature to reduce the amount of classical Chinese currently taught in Taiwanese, this drew comment from high-ranking Chinese government officials including An Fengshan of the Taiwan Affairs Office. It seems, then, that the debate over the teaching of classical Chinese in Taiwan has become significant enough to draw attention from China...

Recent Debates About Teaching Of Classical Chinese In Taiwan

A recent statement by the Association for Taiwan Literature calling on the Ministry of Education to change the education curriculum in Taiwan to focus less on traditional Chinese classics and instead to draw on materials more suitable to contemporary Taiwan is the end result of a series of debates in past months about differences between Taiwanese and Chinese literature, as well as language learning in Taiwan...


2017 年初,剛上市就紅遍世界的電腦遊戲《返校》選用《月夜愁》、《望春風》等台語歌曲作配樂。2017 年,金曲獎最佳台語男歌手由台南歌手謝銘祐奪得,他在專輯《舊年》裡也大量運用日本時代台語流行歌元素。究竟日本時代的台語流行歌藏有什麼瑰寶,值得一提再提?...