Yi Luo-ren

Taiwan’s Air Is Indeed “Fresh And Sweet” Compared With That Of China

Not too long ago, at the graduation ceremony of the University of Maryland in America, a Chinese student graduating sang the praises of America, stating that American air was “fresh and sweet, and oddly luxurious.” This hurt the feelings of China’s netizens, leading to threats and demands that she apologize. What does this say about the differences between democratic societies and China?...
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Yi Luo-ren

Yi Luo-ren (伊洛人) is from Henan, and is dissatisfied with political discrimination towards the people of Henan. After going to school in the big city, the author became dissatisfied with the disparity between China’s rich and poor. On arriving in Taiwan as an exchange student, the author learned about the ideas of the pro-independence left, and hopes to popularize these ideas in China. The author is willing to fight for the independence and liberation of regions and ethnic groups currently under China’s rule.

生於河南,不滿對河南人的政治歧視。後求學於大都市,不滿中國的貧富差距。到台灣交換後認識了左獨的理念,並想將之推廣於中國。願為中國統治下各個民族和地區的獨立與解放而奮鬥 。