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【The sixth day of the occupation |占中第六天 】

Occupy Central in Hong Kong has entered into the sixth day. The Hong Kong Chief Executive, Leung Chun-ying, responded yesterday at 11:30pm to the protesters that he will not resign but is willing to engage in dialogues with the student leaders. Leung’s speech has angered thousands of protesters and debates of whether the movement should take over the government buildings. The Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS) responded Leung’s speech by emphasizing that the occupation must continue to exert pressure on the government to push for political reform on the Basic Law, whether through Leung or not. However, it seems now that the authorities in Beijing and Hong Kong are betting that they can wait out on the occupation till the public support for the movement fades out. It is indeed a critical timing to reenergize the momentum of the movement and take its political strategy to a different level.



Wen Liu is a doctoral candidate in social psychology at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. She is also a freelance writer on sexuality and politics in the US and Asia.

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